I say that as a liberal, a person who believes laws should be written to protect people and nature, sometimes even at the expense of personal freedom. I sometimes have a hard time reconciling those views with being a gearhead, and things like this video don't make it any easier.
Where to start. Well, the tone is totally alarmist, and ignores the fact that this has been an ongoing battle in this country for generations and one that environmentalists have largely won. Listening to this commentary, you'd think that if something isn't done this week to kill stop all automated recreation in the US, all trees will die. I for one don't think that's going to happen. I may eat my words, but there's precious little evidence that OHVs (Off Highway Vehicles) are going to be a major cause of.. well, anything. Same goes for jet-skies and SUVs, there just aren't that many of them.
What they do have an impact on, is hikers and naturalists. I really don't like it when any of these vehicles show up while I'm in the middle of bird watching, and it's true that improperly used OHVs can chew up a trail like little else. ATVs shouldn't be allowed just anywhere, but at the same time, naturalists tend to think of public land as "theirs" and of their style of use as the only legitimate idea. I not a big fan of OHVs, but I do think there's room for them in this world. Limited room, to be sure, but still room. Some of us tree-hugging liberals are just going to have to learn a little tolerance.
Via: Coyote Crossing
Two Piece Saddle Bags with Silver Perforations
4 weeks ago
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